Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Have you heard of flip books? I somehow got an email from Mark Brooke from Mark Brooke Photography, and I must say they take pretty awesome pictures! But what I really enjoyed is their flip books. Check it out!



June 6 is coming in 39 days, but who's counting? Well, the wedding website has the little count down button thing that keeps me updated, that's how I know it's 39 days:)

Anyways, the RSVPs are trickling in, napkin flowers are coming along, my beautiful dress is starting to take shape, my workout and beauty regime is starting to show results, supposed to get the stationary drafts this weekend, and yet I still feel like nothing is accomplished. Have you ever felt that way?

Help. Why is it so hard to ask for help, especially when you need it? I'll be the first to admit, I hate asking for help. I don't really know why. Not that there isn't anyone I can ask for help. In fact, so many of my friends have generously and repeatedly told me not to hesitate to call if I need anything. So why is it so hard for me to ask? Is it because I don't see them often enough? Or maybe they just seem busy and I don't want to trouble them? Or I'm afraid they'll say no? Or am I just too proud to ask? I personally think it's because of my ENFJ personality.... it doesn't go too well with asking people for help, but who knows why. But, since I've realized this flaw in my personality, I will follow Jack in the Box's advise and "do something about it" *rips my shirt's sleeves :D

On another note, how cute are these bando from etsy seller justmejewelry?

Too cute!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Working Out

I've been trying so hard for so long to get into the healthy habit of exercising. Nothing really works... I joined a gym so I can take the aerobic classes... but those classes are so full. I dragged myself to the pool, but ended up feeling too self conscious. I tried those home workout videos... but I'm not motivated enough to do it after the 15th minutes.... the list goes on and on.

I'm 5'5", normal weight, but of course, who doesn't want to look leaner and healthier on their wedding day? So, inspired by Ms.TTO, I started jogging around the block on Monday with my dog... and again yesterday. I heard from my friend that as a beginner I shouldn't push myself to run everyday, but rather stagger it a bit and run every other day. So that's what I did. Surprisingly enough... it wasn't that hard!

So I think I've found a secret in committing to this workout plan:
1. you must have a good support system (mr.b has been very encouraging at the very least)
2. you must have a great motivation to commit to the workout plan. Halfway through the workout, I sometimes imagined myself looking crappy in my wedding gown - this is the best motivator ever for me, and it helps me run through the last 1/4 miles. Although it does kinda give me nightmares at night... but yeah... whatever works.
3. you must not think about exercising. Instead, just put on your running shoes, grab your keys and ipod, and just go. don't even think about it.
4. you must allocate some time after running to really feel he surge of happiness and relief after you're done with the workout. that's when i really feel alive *hehe. Seriously... take some time to cool off... take deep breath, and feel the rush :)

Hmm.. that's all. After 2 days of running, I actually feel a lot better already. I haven't been weighing myself of anything, but just the serotonin and adrenaline rush after you run the 2 miles... it makes you feel good almost immediately. My legs are sore now, but not too sore (since I've been taking it easy in the beginning). Well, hopefully I can keep up this habit and commit to it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Baby just say.... yes

I didn't know that getting a marriage license is so easy. I left work to go to the old courthouse in Santa Ana during my lunch hour, and got in and out in 20 minutes. (well, we took some pictures in front of the courthouse too, so total time spent is approximately 30 minutes) I was able to make it back to work in just under an hour.... impressive.... :) Of course it helps that we already filled out the paperwork online and had everything ready for the clerk to process.

I was almost tempted to do the ceremony there and then too.... it would've been such a simple process... but... nah.... what's the challenge in that? :)

Anyways, as we sat down in front of the clerk who was checking our paperwork, Taylor Swift's song "Love Story" just came on the radio... and as the clerk ask us to raise our right hand and asked us to confirm that all our statements in the paperwork are "nothing but the truth", Taylor crooned "baby just say.... 'yes'" :)

Coincidence? I think not :)

Friday, April 17, 2009


50 days to go..... :)

can't wait. why can't it be tomorrow?

April's To Do

I think i'm pretty much done with everything.... what else is there to do? Just the DIYs I guess? I'm making my own garter, the napkin flowers, garland decor for the head table, cake stand, program book, placecards, and menu. Invitations are also to be mailed out this weekend. Hmm.. I think that's all?

Aside from these, there's still the boys' vest to find. And..... what else? what else? Is that IT? Oh! Rehearsal! Need to confirm the rehearsal n rehearsal dinner.

That's all to-dos I can think of for now.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Sigh..... remember these pompoms from Martha Stewart? Well, I just made 30 of them before realizing that actually, I should've folded the accordions on the shorter side (the 5" side). Hmm....

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Confession of a ....

Well, this has nothing to do with wedding I guess, but since Easter's around the corner, I thought I should make a confession...

When I was about 10 years old, I begged my mom to buy me a particular doll... she flat out said "no" in the beginning. However, I kept begging and begging and showing her different features of the doll and explaining why this doll is different from the other 4 dolls I already had at home. After a while, she saw how badly I wanted the doll and finally gave in and bought this (at the time) luxurious toy. I was on top of the world, so happy and smiling from ear to ear the whole way down from aisle #12 to the check out counter.

The giddiness of having the new doll and triumph over my mom didn't last long, though. I caught a glimpse of worry on her face as she paid for the doll. A look that up till this day still stirs up sudden surge of regrets in my heart. Years later, I learned that my parents were having some tough financial problems around that time. No wonder she had said no! And no wonder she was so worried! You can imagine the guilt I felt even until today. I decided right then and there to be a good daughter and do everything my parents ask me to do. (Well, maybe not everything they tell me to do, but... almost everything?)

Of course every now and then I don't see eye to eye with my parents (especially around the age of 16 and 21). But most of the time, I try to be someone they can be proud of. Where am I going with this, you ask? Well, during the course of planning this wedding, my parents pretty much leaves everything to me. They trust me to make the right decisions, and to plan a nice yet memorable celebration. All under reasonable budget, of course!

The problem is, I think they're spoiling me too much. They want me to have a great wedding, and that costs a bit more that what I think I need. I'm happy with an intimate wedding with close family and friends at our backyard or something, but I guess they have something else in mind. So sometimes.... arguments happens. And when it happens, I ask myself, so what if my mom wants to have snacks after the ceremony? And so what if she really wants me to have favors? And so what if she wants to re-do all the menu I had set up for the reception? And so what if she wants to invite a few more of her friends to the party at the last seconds? In the end, whatever makes them happy always makes me happy, and that's that. Family is definitely, most certainly, and must always be... more important than my version of dream wedding.

That's all :)

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Napkin Ring

I've been wanting to do a DIY project for the napkin rings..... something like:

this from Martha Stewart:

or this from etsy seller: The Divine You

or this from Vintage Glam Wedding's blog:


*sighh... they all look so pretty :) And I think it really adds to the aesthetics of the table arrangements, don't you? I realllyyyyy wanna do something for the napkin ring.... but sometimes my lazy side kicks in, and I say "screw it! why do we have flowers for centerpiece anyway if we have to do all the hassle of creating 200 napkin rings just to make the table prettier?" hehehe... er.... I probably will still end up with Martha Stewart's paper flower... :D

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ladieeess :)

This weekend is girls only weekend. Almost.

I have a friend's bachelorette party tonight, probably followed by a sleepover at her place... then I gotta get home to feed my puppy. Then I'm going to the wedding venue to peek at the wedding they have going on there so that I can have an idea how the place looks at night. It's an outdoor place and they have twinkling lights and lanterns hanging from the little strings... it looks amazing in the pictures, so hopefully I'll get to see that in person tomorrow night. And thennn..... of course when you're in that area, you h.a.v.e to stop over at El Campeon... the authentic Mexican restaurant around the corner :)

Then on Sunday, I have a brides-to-be gathering during lunch time.... These are my friends from the Indonesian Youth group here in LA area. OMG. Can you believe that there are 7 of my friends getting married from now until October? Just from that group alone! Not to mention my 2 co workers who are also engaged to be married sometime this / next year, my 2 ex-roommates from college who are also getting married this and next year, and 3 of my other friends from college who are also engaged.... I guess weddings does not know the word recession :) Anyway, I'll be so much fun hanging out with all these brides-to-be :) I can't waitt!!!